Which form of therapy is best for me?
Unlike RTT, where it is essential to believe in the power of the mind, essential oils, EFT, PEMF and infrared sauna therapy require any kind of beliefs. RTT requires that you want other results and changes in your life and health. For example, if you feel the pressure to see me from your parents or your partner the desire for change does not come from yourself and your mind will be closed.
The essential oils, EFT, PEMF or infrared sauna therapies work physically and chemically, so if you are skeptical they may require more treatments over a longer period, because the treatments are more superficial in relation to RTT.
The essential oils, EFT, PEMF or infrared sauna are all significantly cheaper but where RTT finds the root of a problem, essential oils, EFT or PEMF are symptom treatments. The symptoms may go away but may come back because the root of the problem has not been treated. You have not found out why the problem arose.
You can compare the above therapies as well as psychological help and traditional hypnotherapy, by thinking of a water damage in the ceiling.
If you go to a psychologist, then you will TALK about the stain in the ceiling and your ego and conscious mind will be present at all times. The fact that the conscious mind is awake automatically means a certain resistance because the ego will always keep you in the familiar. You will look at the stain, talk about the stain, feel the stain but do nothing concrete about it. The stain will be the subject for many months and there will be an acceptance of living with the stain for the rest of life. It will feel nice that someone is listening to how ugly the stain is and because a psychologist's course is most often on mine. 10 sessions, people get a close relationship with their psychologist. This type of therapy is called speech therapy and is really good if you have lots of time or money.
If you go to a traditional hypnotherapist, use essential oils, EMF, PEMF, or infrared sauna, then there will be a little more action. Ie we paint on top of the stain but only where the stain is, ie. superficial repair and symptom treatment. You will be able to see that there are two different shades of paint in the ceiling, even if you choose the same color. The ceiling will still bulge out but you do not notice the stain so much anymore and you will for a while forget the stain until the water seeps through the ceiling and the paint again.
If, on the other hand, you opt for RTT sessions, then it will be a deep renovation. You will need to scrape away all the paint, maybe even tear down the ceiling. You will find the root and source of the water damage and repair the water pipe so that it does not happen again. Ie you need to start recreating the ceiling, then you need to plaster and paint. The ceiling gets a whole new look and it is the entire ceiling in the room that needs to be arranged. Not only where the stain was visible. You go in depth but in return the stain does not come back. It requires extra effort in the beginning but in the long run you will be happier with your new ceiling.
Is RTT suitable for children?
Yes, absolutely. When children are over 3-4 years old, they can try RTT. However, I personally prefer to work with children over 10-12 years because I find the regression useful. With young children, I do not regress as they are still in their childhood.
The best and most efficient results are actually in children because their minds are open and they are so receptive. Visualization and imagination are a central part of RTT, and children are really good in this area. For example you see your child play will a stick as though it is a sword, or pretend to be a knight or a dog when they play. This is because their minds are so creative.
Typical problems for toddlers are behavioral, anxiety, and self-doubt issues such as fear, sibling rivalry, anger, nail biting, bedwetting, and allergies. As they get older, the topics are most often still within behavior, anxiety, and self-esteem, they just change expression. Older children also come because they want to improve results in school or sports, anxiety about exams, self-esteem, self-esteem, bullying, fear of others' opinions.
Children with ADHD, autism or dyslexia have amazing brains, and RTT can help them get order and calm in the many images / sensations they experience. I usually compare their brains to cars; "Your brain is a fast race car, where mine is a slow, normal old car. But if you and I raced, I could possibly win. Not because my car is faster, but because I know how to drive it. You do not yet have a driving license for your fantastic car and brain, but when you get it, you will be like everyone else ”.
Can everyone be hypnotized?
YES! Everyone has the ability to be hypnotized because we all go around in a hypnotic state until we are 7 years old and your mind can remember that. As a child, you learned new things through repetition and you used your subconscious, because that was the one you operated on exclusively back then. There you learned e.g. to walk by repeatedly getting up when you fell. You do not have to relearn to walk every day, thanks to your subconscious. It has stored that information and it loves habits.
Have you ever driven home from work without really noticing the way home? Suddenly you were just at home? It is an example that you have been in a hypnotic state. You were driving the autopilot. Your subconscious mind helped you to think about other things while driving.
Or can you find your car in a large parking garage? If you can, you can be hypnotized before you visualize your car, for example "I remember I parked it near that entrance and I parked next to a red car." The same thing happens when you shop in the supermarket you know well. When you want to find the milk, you go straight there. Your brain does not have to go through the whole supermarket every time because it has gone the trip many times before and pulls on that habit.
Or have you ever seen a movie that was so touching that you cried? Your conscious mind knows well that it was just a movie and therefore not real but because you forget time and place, then your conscious mind "sleeps" and you are exclusively in your subconscious and in the movie. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between something real or fictional. It takes in EVERYTHING. All your experiences and all your thoughts. It's both good and bad.
I occasionally meet people who do not think they can be hypnotized but it is a belief more than a fact, because the fact is that most people go around worrying and if you can worry, then you can also with guarantee visualizes and thereby hypnotizes. When you worry, imagine everything that can go wrong.
How long does an RTT session take?
For an adult, a session is usually approx. 2 hours. The reason it can vary is because each client is different. Some clients immediately notice and see the root and cause of their problem and we can work further on the transformation. Others need a little more guidance, and we will take a detour or use other tools, to first find the root cause of a problem.
However, it's like climbing a mountain. It does not matter how fast you get to the top. The view is the same for everyone. And everyone gets there in the end.
For children, a session is shorter all depending on the age of the child. Both because the younger the child, the shorter their attention span, and because the structure of a session is different for a child. It is not necessary to go back in their childhood memories to find the root cause of a problem because they are still living their childhood. Here my focus is solely on their lives without the problem.
Applicable to all kinds of sessions is that before a session I will talk to the client and the parents. We are talking over zoom or phone and it will take about 30 minutes. I would also like to talk to the child, but shorter, maybe 10-15 min.
Is RTT safe? You do not take control and make me do weird things?
RTT is for sure. You are in a relaxed state where you are in control at all times. Many people think that this hypnotic state leaves them vulnerable and without control or without memory afterwards, but it is actually the opposite. The only thing you can control is your thoughts. Thoughts create emotions, emotions create actions.
The reason why hypnosis in particular is surrounded by mystery is because we have seen too many Disney movies such as Alladin where the villain hypnotizes the hero to do something against their will. I can not get you to do something you do not want to do and you will be able to remember everything from the session afterwards.
You may have seen a hypnosis show where people walk around and say like a chicken. A hypnotist can never get people to do something that they deep down do not want to do. Their minds will close, so those who participate in such shows are, first of all, very willing and have already opened their minds. They are given tasks in advance, which show the hypnotist how cooperative they will be. This part is not shown on TV.
I always say that if the opposite were the case, then all Hypnotists would be millionaires.
Can my condition worsen?
NO! I can only make you feel better or improve your state of health. Hypnosis can never aggravate anything. My mentor Marisa Peer always says: "Even bad hypnosis works if the client wants a change".
Improvements and improvement happen in 3 steps: either immediately, after a few days or slower over a few weeks. However, since RTT is like a huge internal detox, some people will find that a condition gets worse before it then gets significantly better. Every person responds differently, but the vast majority of people experience a profound change.
How is RTT different from traditional hypnotherapy?
RTT differs from traditional hypnotherapy in its structure, length, and results. If you have tried normal hypnotherapy, you will have noticed that there is little or no regression left to childhood scenes. There is a long induction and then a lot of positive affirmations so it feels more like positive meditation. The transformation in clients is less marked compared to RTT as the client is not the one bringing the pieces together and there is no insight into why the problem was created. In traditional hypnotherapy, the therapist is one who speaks while the client listens. There is no recording to listen to afterwards in standard hypnotherapy. There is only one session, but it is problematic because the brain learns through repetition.
Symbolically, it can be said that in traditional hypnotherapy a seed is planted, where in RTT, we first weed out the garden. All weeds or stones are removed and the soil is prepared before the seed is then planted to give the seed optimal living conditions.
RTT, on the other hand, has a much shorter induction, and the central part of RTT is the intervention part in the middle. Here, RTT changes the clients' belief system by performing at least 3 regressions where the client goes back to childhood scenes that are the root and cause of the problem. RTT transforms a disease or problem at the root. Only when we analyze the same event that created the problem in the first place will the problem be able to be transformed forever. A huge understanding, the client's "AHA" moment, why this problem started.
How can it be as effective online over Zoom?
An online session delivers the same results as a face-to-face session because the central part of the session is you listening to my voice guiding you. Your eyes will be closed most of the time, so it does not matter if I am sitting with you in the actual or if we are in each other's company in the virtual Zoom space.
However, with online sessions it is important to have a good internet connection to hear my voice clearly, and so you can sit or lay relaxed near your computer so I can see your upper body.
Why do we return to our childhood when we look for the roots of a question?
The present is a mirroring of your past. Most people find the roots and answers to their emotional or physical problems, in their childhood. The reason is that when we are children, our minds are very open and vulnerable to the people close to us, such as our parents or teachers. We blindly trust their words and when we are under 7 years old, our mind has not developed the critical sense yet. So if an adult says, "You're a bad girl / boy," we believe in them, and that belief becomes like a virus-infected software that we run on.
As we get older, our minds close more and more and mentally we grow more layers like an onion, to protect ourselves. Each layer stores on a limiting belief. In RTT, these layers are peeled off to find the core of the virus and transform it.
I have tried MANY kinds of therapy. Why do you think RTT works for me?
RTT is effective because it works with your subconscious mind. Problems are created in the subconscious, which drives 95% of human behavior. So it makes no sense to try and solve a problem that is created on a subconscious level with tools that only involve the conscious mind. They work on two different levels and have a different purpose and skills.
So if you visit a Psychologist, you will sit and talk, but you are talking with your conscious mind, which only accounts for 5% of our actions and beliefs. If you experienced a painful event as a child, you probably suppressed it and forgot it so as not to be reminded of it. To protect you. So it's gone in your conscious mind, but it's still hidden in your subconscious mind, and that's where the key to your healing must be found.
An example, a client spent a lot of money and time in therapy with a traditional psychologist to treat her money problems. The client could not save money and spent all her money each month. The client thought it was because her childhood was dominated by struggle and she had learned about money from her parents, so they talked about her childhood until there was nothing more to say, but the woman was still struggling with her finances. With RTT, she discovered that the root of the problem had to be found somewhere else that had nothing to do with her childhood. When her mother died, she inherited an apartment and had money for the first time. However, she was devastated by grief, and her subconscious mind made that connection: Before you get money, you have to experience loss. So, of course, it was difficult for her to attract money because money was associated with grief in her subconscious mind.
RTT is powerful because it finds the real reason. The subconscious mind remembers everything! Even in our sleep, the subconscious mind is awake. This is why your body functions do not stop when you sleep. Part of your mind is always awake to make sure everything works so you do not die.
Is RTT enough or should I supplement it with Feng Shui, Oils, EFT, PEMF or the sauna?
RTT is in itself a powerful form of therapy, so it can stand alone. The reason I offer other forms of therapy is because I love working holistically. Holistic for me, means tackling a problem from multiple sides. The path to healing is many and some therapies appeal to some while others have a different temperament. It's a bit like sports. Your choice of sport or form of exercise you take based on what kind of sport you enjoy, how much time and money you have available, what the purpose of playing sports is, etc. No sport is more right or wrong. They each provide increased health but some are perhaps more strenuous than others in the short run but in the long run, also more effective or fruitful.
Why is RTT more expensive per session than e.g. a psychologist?
A Psychologist offers speech therapy which, in my experience, is far less effective than RTT and therefore you need 3 or 4 times as many sessions for the same disorder. One is led to believe that the root of the problem is identified but it is not transformed on a deeper level and therefore it comes again and again. It's like weeds in the garden. If it is not removed at the root, it reappears.
Unlike traditional therapy, it takes an average of 3 sessions of RTT to transform the same disorder because there is a reprogramming in the brain for the better. We find the root and remove the belief and mental software that made the weeds grow. My goal is to give you so much insight and strength in yourself that you do not need me. The sooner you are out of my hands so you can live your life without pain and suffering, the better. That is my goal. You pay for results and for my time.
Having said that, however, it must be said that any kind of therapy, even bad therapy helps, because you get an outlet for your emotions and our end goal is the same; to give you increased health, freedom and happiness. But some forms are more effective than others – eg RTT.