Would you like to hear what it's like to work with me? On this page you will find a number of videos, written testimonials and at the bottom you will find both interviews and a number of examples of where the root/cause of a concrete problem may be. Every person is different and therefore the same problem can easily have different causes for different people.
Read more testimonials on:
Hear Zac talk about his experience and feelings just after his session.
Listen to Tatiana when she describes the RTT process and her results.
Hear Steff tell you about the depth of RTT.
Hear Chiara tell you about her process and eczema.

Hear how RTT can help with ADHD
Hear Emilia tell about how she doubted RTT before trying it.
Hear Alexia tell about her experience.
Hear Gaia from Italy share her experience with me.

Here is Pernille first, only a few minutes after her session, who describes the release she experienced. In Danish.
This is Jørgen, who came to me for walking disability. He describes RTT as a miracle.
Watch his transformation in this video, only a few hours after his session. In Danish.
Hear Reni talk about her skepticism and experience. In Danish.
Here's a video with Peter, who now drinks less alcohol.
Christina who was cured of pollen allergy and felt an immediate improvement. In Danish.
SMS from Christina on day 1:
"Hello Pernille, thank you for a wild experience today❤️🙏 I have been tired, but happy to the core. I went for a little walk when I got home and I had energy, even though I was tired and this evening we have had the windows open since 5pm, which I usually don't dare because of the pollen. Thanks for the help today 😊 🙏❤️”.
SMS from Christina on day 2:
"I enjoy a trip on the hunt with my boys ❤️ lots of grass and no hassles 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏"
Here Mikkel who describes his experience just after his session. In Danish.
Pernille who no longer procrastinates. In Danish.
Hear a surprised Pernille. In Danish.
Below: Click on the arrows to the right or left, to get to the next testimonial.
DANISH Interviews with Lykke, Louise and Mikkel who share their results (subtitles are in the work but these interviews are, for now, only in Danish).

Below, there are a number of anonymous client stories, which illustrate how the subconscious has the answers to problems you may be facing.
At the bottom you will find personal statements from previous clients, where you click on the arrows to move on to the next statement.
Breathing Difficulties:
I want to start with my personal story of how a childhood trauma caused me to experience breathing difficulties. I was adopted from South Korea into a family filled with instability and conflict. My mother suffered from bipolar disorder and my father worked constantly, so I was often alone and quickly learned to suppress my needs. I became a pleaser. Through RTT, I found out that my subconscious was trying to protect me by giving me breathing difficulties. The logic of my subconscious mind was: “If I give Pernille a range of breathing problems like losing her voice, getting a sore throat, giving her cough and asthma, then she can't speak, and that is good because it is dangerous to speak up. Her mother shouts at her for the slightest thing so I want to help her”. I was able to cure the asthma myself via EFT and the cough / sore throat disappeared after an RTT session.
The client tried everything and thinks it is his character that is flawed. "I'm just weak" he says. When we tapped into his subconscious mind, we found the root of the problem was that his brother was bullied at school. All the client wanted was to be BIG so he could defend his brother, but he could not help because he was small. His conscious mind had completely forgotten about it, but his subconscious mind stored the answers. His conscious mind had an answer as to why he was big, but the truth was different. Once he recognized that he was no longer the little boy, his body got rid of the excess fat. His mind made helped him loose weigh.
Another man said, "I've been big all my life. We're all big in my family, so it's running in my DNA. I can't do anything about that." This learned helplessness, or conviction, gave him a sense of belonging. The logic of his immature childish mind was: “I love my family and want to belong to it, so if my relatives tell me and each other that THIS is how we are in our family and that there is nothing we can do, it must be true". The body always follows the mind so his body went in and created an extra layer of fat because cohesion is essential for a child's survival. As an adult he could see how this attachment made him overweight and he quickly lost kilos. As adults we are not longer dependent on our families.
One woman had tried everything to lose weight. The story hidden in her subconscious mind was a hurtful, shameful comment about her curves from her uncle when she was a teenager. She felt embarrassed and wished she could hide her female curves, so her subconscious tried to help her by making her large so her feminine curves could not be seen. When she understood her body was only trying to help, because she did not feel strong enough to speak up for herself at the time, she was able to release the protective shield.
An overweight client remembered a childhood memory of always being put to bed earlier than his older sister, and all he thought while lying in bed was, "I wish I was big". What he meant and should have said was: "I wish I was older". Unfortunately, the mind can interpret things too literally, so the client became large in response.
A man came in with pain in the shoulder and knee after a skiing accident. He had several successful surgeries and according to the doctors everything should have been fine but he was still in a lot of pain. He told himself that it's probably normal and that it would be too good to be true if his pain disappeared after such a serious accident. During the RTT session, he remembered jumping from a roof because his "friends" pressured him into it. He felt insecure in their company, jumped anyway and broke his leg. He had other experiences where he felt insecure. The pain was associated with protection; the pain reminded him that the world is not a safe place. His subconscious mind tried to protect him from a similar childhood feeling by preventing full recovery. When he realized that today he was safe and could control his own situations as an adult, his pain disappeared. Its role was no longer relevant.
An 8-year-old boy has regular abdominal pain. There is no pattern, but he experienced abdominal pain due to a two-day splurge at an amusement park. On the second day, he had to stop trying the rides as he had severe stomach pains. A normal assumption would be to think that he's just nervous about trips or that he's eaten something he shouldn't, but there was more to it than that. It turned out that when the boy was in an amusement park for the first time in his life, at the age of 5, he was turned away from a ride he really wanted because he was not tall enough. Unfortunately, his twin sister, who was taller, could go on the ride and he became very angry; cried and kicked. He had to be removed by force, and it was so traumatic for the boy that his mind decided to give him stomach aches every time he is in an amusement park or in other situations where there is a risk of rejection for not being big enough. Stomach pain was more tolerable for him than the pain of being rejected. Again a protective mechanism created by his subconscious mind. As the boy became able to handle rejection, his stomach pain is reduced.
An 8-year-old boy was going on holiday with his grandparents. Hans loves his grandfather, but the grandfather was critical and expected perfection. The boy was excited about the trip but was also nervous so he spent 5 of the 7 days in bed with stomach pain. The grandparents think it's new food, or maybe dehydration because the medical tests don't find anything wrong. His subconscious mind was trying to protect him from rejection or critical words from his grandfather, the logic was: "If you are sick, your grandfather will not be critical, instead he will give you the love and attention you want". The pain disappeared when the boy returned home.
A client had severe eczema; dry, red, itchy skin. During the session he recalled being a child, and feeling jealous of his little brother. The client wanted the same attention the baby was receiving. One day he had a rash and his parents gave him a lot of attention and lubricated the obliterated spot. He felt loved and significant. The subconscious mind remembered these feelings and developed eczema to get more attention. It worked well for him as a child, but unfortunately the mind does not change when conditions change. So even when the boy became a man and no longer needed the attention of his parents, the eczema did not go away because this was now connected to his programming and still worked from the assumption: "I must be sick to get attention and love". When he saw this connection and found other ways to get attention, because as an adult he can express his needs, his eczema disappeared and his skin returned to being healthy.
Sleep problems:
A woman comes with difficulty sleeping. She sleeps very little and has difficulty going to bed on time. In the session, a scene comes up where the client was scared because she woke up one night and could not find her parents. Her mind made a belief that the world is unsafe because one can wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly one's parents are gone! She quickly found her parents again, but the scene and the feeling of being abandoned had settled so deep within her that her subconscious did everything to protect her, and the way it did it, was to give her sleep problems so she was always alert. That way, her subconscious mind thought, no one would ever leave her un-noticed again. The client had forgotten all about the scene that her mind showed her, but it was the key to her transformation.
A client comes to me with depression. He is extremly overwhelmed by anything and is close to giving up completely. The scenes show a boy who was trapped in the middle. On the one hand, he felt different and judged because of his wealthy family, and on the other hand, his family put a lot of pressure on him to meet some expectations and made him feel inferior, guilty and ashamed. When he came to me, he was still split in two, just like when he was a child; On the one hand, he could not live up to the expectations of the job and on the other hand, he was forced to keep his job because his family was 100% dependent on him. His mind tries to help him by letting him sink into a deep depression, because its logic is: if you are passive and do nothing, then you are not doing anything wrong either, and then both sides may stop demanding something from you. It took 3 sessions to get rid of the deep depression because it was a depression that had been going on for years.
A woman had two big projects that she enjoyed, but for some reason she was struggling to finish them. One was writing a book and the other was implementing an online program. She had no idea why she was procrastinating and postponing her projects. It made no sense (on the conscious level) because she really wanted to finish them and was annoyed with herself. "I wish I could pull myself together!" she said. Her subconscious mind showed her a scene with her father where she felt that nothing she did was good enough. Another scene with her sister where she had the feeling that nothing she could do makes her play with me. And a scene with her mother where she felt unwanted. "It does not matter if I am the perfect daughter. She would never prioritise me first." Her subconscious still ran on the belief that it does not matter how good or perfect her book or program will be, it will never be good enough for others to like her or love her. When she saw how she no longer needed the love of her father, sister or mother, she was able to move on and finish her projects.
Another woman grew up in a very dysfunctional family with lots of criticism and scolding, but no love. The client learned that expressing oneself could be dangerous because one would be punished. The scenes showed a belief of never being good enough and being held back and controlled. As a child, she looked for the recipe or a manual on how to behave perfectly, in order to be accepted. However, she could not find such a manual because it does not exist and that made her insecure. Her subconscious tried to protect her by holding her back via self-sabortage because its logic was: You don’t know what you are doing so I better hold you back to protect you. Remember the world is only safe if you are perfect. This woman wanted to start her own business, but her mind was still, subconsciously, searching for the same manual on how to be perfect. When the woman realized that there is no manual for life and when she looked at her childhood with her adult eyes, she confidently started going after her dream.
One client has tried to quit smoking several times without success. In the scenes, there were two different beliefs: one was that cigarettes create a connection to others. The client's mother smoked and it was their bond/connection together. It was the one thing they shared. Another belief that came up was: I am not good enough. The client did not feel she was good enough as she was. The scenes showed a person who felt stupid, overlooked and upset. Her subconscious had the answer to that problem: Begin to smoke so you will become “cool” and be noticed. When the client saw what was the root of the smoking, she could easily stop.
Anxiety of different kinds:
A man comes in wanting to boost his confidence and eliminate his occasional anxiety when he has to stand up in front of a lot of people and present something. When he feels judged by others, his body reacts physically with rapid breathing, heart and stomach pain. His father was very strict and controlling. The client was afraid of him as a child. His subconscious mind shows him scenes from his school where he too felt scared and judged. He was afraid of making mistakes and felt he had to be perfect. The feeling of being different, alone and afraid was the reason his mind gave him anxiety, "If you don't stick your nose out but stay low and invisible, no one can judge or laugh at you", was the logic of his mind. When he realizes that the only opinion that matters is his own and that he is no longer dependent on his strict father, he feels brave and confident enough to speak to larger groups and give presentations. His social life is flourishing.
A client comes because she wants to feel more confident and believe in herself. Her mind shows scenes where the client was made fun of, let down, and where she learned that the needs of others are more important than my own. The "I'm not good enough" belief was installed and therefore she was always insecure about others. She worried a lot about what others thought of her because she had learned as a child that the world is unsafe, and this was her subconscious' way of helping her. As the client revisited and forgave a number of people from her past, her self-esteem and self-belief returned.
A 12 year old girl came to me with anxiety about horseback riding. There came a series of scenes where the girl felt scared, helpless and out of control, and her mind made the conviction: that riding is dangerous. When she became aware that she is actually IN control and that she always has a choice. That she was much more in control than when she was younger.
A man came with anxiety for the opposite sex; woman. There were scenes of inadequacy and a feeling of not being worthy enough, and therefore he always became nervous in the company of women. His mind tried to protect him from being hurt, but when he connected with the anger that lay smoldering beneath the surface, he was set free. The same evening as his session with me, he was going on a date and wrote the day after that it had gone super well and that he had felt calm and happy all evening.
A woman comes with arachnophobia and OCD. The fear of spiders has taken over and she cannot relax in her own home. The scenes from her childhood showed a belief in being trapped and that the world is unsafe. It was a conviction she had received from her grandmother and mother. Her mind was also trying to punish her by giving her the phobia, and when she realized that control is an illusion, she could relax again. The client saw a spider already a week after the session, without being affected by its presence.
One woman came in with disease anxiety. In particular, the fear of cancer was present. All scenes show a child who does not feel good enough and where trust in the adults is broken. A belief that says: "If you can not even trust your parents, then the rest of the world must be even more dangerous". The mind tried to help her by giving her an illness that keeps her very much at home and limits her. Because at home, her subconscious feels protected and it constantly tried to remind her: "Remember that the world is a dangerous place". The woman felt more calm, happy and brave afterwards.
Hormone imbalance:
A woman had a cortisol deficiency, which resulted in her feeling constantly tired. She had to take several naps each day. The condition came out of thin air about 3 years ago. Her subconscious was trying to help her because about 3 years ago, she had a stress burnout caused by working too much. Her subconscious mind remembered how painful this experience was, and its logic was, "If she doesn't understand that she needs rest to take care of herself, then I will force her to". So it developed this hormonal imbalance that forced her to take many breaks and live at a slower pace. When she saw how her body was trying to help her, she felt a deep gratitude and her energy and hormone levels returned to normal. Sometimes we need a proper fall before we change things in our lives.
An adult woman had anger issues and angered easily if her children or family were not meeting her expectations. As a child, the client felt oppressed by her mother. Anger was therefore a way for the client to take back her power, for example "I have a voice now. Listen to me." When the woman understood the connection, she felt calmer and understood her anger had nothing to do with others but everything to do with her own past and trauma. She understood that she could express herself freely as an adult. She did not have to take back any power because she already had the power; the power over her mind and thoughts.
Sports performance:
The client wants to improve his surfing skills. She gets annoyed with herself every time she can't get on the surfboard properly and she feels like she doesn't have the strength to surf properly. Her subconscious mind shows her a series of childhood episodes about feeling weak and stupid. So already as a child she develops a limiting belief: "I can't do it because I'm not strong enough". Beliefs installed in us as a child, the mind will constantly try to confirm, so when she fell off the surfboard, it was her mind that made her weak because it wanted to remind her that she was not strong enough. That belief arose then, to protect her from other people's harsh words or judgement, but unfortunately it is still the one that rules her life long after. Seeing the connection, and understanding how her subconscious was trying to protect/help her, she was able to give it a new purpose and begin to believe that she is the strong surfer she truly is.
Visualization is often used among athletes because competitive sports are mentally challenging. The winner is the person who can control their mind. A physical talent without mental strength will not win against average talent with great mental strength.
Money block:
A woman felt awkward while starting her own business and having to sell and charge fees for her services. She believed in the product and her service, but found it difficult to sell and speak about her fees. Her subconscious showed her scenes from a car accident she had many years earlier where she felt relieved and grateful for surviving and also showed her childhood scenes where she wanted to help her friends. Her mind made a connection that she had to help others to earn her life, and that she had to give back to show her gratitude. As she realized money is an exchange of energy and that she does not have to repay to justify her existence, she is able to discuss her fees freely and without doubt, anxiety and shame.
Hold back:
One woman came with a fear of failure and a fear of being judged. It made her hold back and not be brave enough to express herself fully on social media and in social settings. She will be able to be more visible and comfortable with showing herself and putting herself first. Her subconscious showed her scenes where she got what she wanted by first asking for it. For example. attention, a car, an invitation but all the scenes ended badly. Her subconscious is trying to help her, "If you draw attention to yourself, then it ends badly, so I must avoid it at all costs". Once she understood the context, she could begin to show herself and be visible without holding back.
An adult man has several addictions and has difficulty connecting with any others. He's never been in a relationship. One of the scenes shows up where he is 5 years old and has gotten lost in a large mall. He feels scared, abandoned and is afraid of being kidnapped. When he is finally reunited with his mother, she yells at him and tells him he should not have gone away. He feels angry because he did not go away on purpose and he cries both from frustration and relief at being found again, but his mother orders him to stop crying! In other words, he is forced to suppress his emotions. The scene is similar to the addiction, where he also pushes his emotions down with alcohol and drugs to paralyze himself and feel nothing. The alcohol and drugs never fail him as his mother did. Another scene is when he has his first love. He is unhappy when the girl he is in love with goes out with someone else and he creates a belief that says, "No one wants to be with me. Love is not available to me". Since the client understands what the addiction is trying to soothe and hide, he is able to break free from its clutches.
A woman had unexplained infertility. She thought it was due to her age and lifestyle. She said: "I should have started trying 5 years ago and I should not have lived so unhealthily". The key to her fertility problem was found when she was 15 years old, when she had a stressful pregnancy scare. She thought every day, "My parents will kill me if I'm pregnant. I do not want a baby! Please don't let me be pregnant". The mind is like a wishing well and it does what it thinks you want. The client found out that she was not pregnant and was very happy and relieved. She cried with joy. Her subconscious mind remembered this feeling and now 15 years and lots of birth control pills later when she actually wanted a baby she could not because her body was still controlled by the program that her subconscious mind formed at the time. Again, the answer of her conscious mind was far from the truth, it had nothing to do with age or food. When she understood how this scene had affected her fertility and how she was no longer that 15 year old, she became pregnant.
Another woman had a baby, so it was unlikely that there was something physically preventing her from becoming pregnant again. However, her first delivery was difficult, long and painful. In the weeks after the birth, she told her friends, "I thought I was going to die. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced. I will never do that again!" Years later, as she enjoyed and loved being a mother, she forgot her comments, but her subconscious mind remembered. Even what we may not really mean. Her subconscious was running on the program: "I won't do that again!" and it prevented her from conceiving. When the client updated its mental software to "I want a child", she fell pregnant again.
Poor memory:
A man could had difficulty with his memory and was constantly forgetting things. It has been this way his whole life. It was discovered that his subconscious mind wanted to protect him from remembering painful events in his childhood. For as long as he could remember he felt unwanted. Even as a fetus in his mother's womb he may have felt unwanted. A fetus' hearing is well developed and there's every chance he heard his parents fighting about the pregnancy. Neither of them wanted him, his childhood was dominated by violence and as a 16 year old he was kicked out by his parents. He felt rejected and unwanted, and his subconscious tried to protect him, by displacing and hiding the painful memories. Unfortunately, his subconscious did this so well that he also useful, simple, everyday things. When the client forgave his parents and mentally cleared his mind, his memory improved.
Phobia of needles:
A man was fainting every time he saw needles and blood. He went back in the session to being a new born baby where his mum was given extra blood because there was complications at the birth. Unfortunately the blood they gave her was not the right type so she went into shock. Babies sense everything around them but unfortunately they have no logic sense. His mum was close to dying and his mind made the belief: "I must be a bad person because I almost killed my mum." This untrue logic was later re-inforced by his grandmum who later told him: you almost killed your mum. Naturally he wanted to escape this feeling and his mind made that possible by making him faint every time he saw blood. That was the mind trying to help him escape from the feeling of being bad.
Phobia of flying:
A woman has always had a fear of flying - even before having ever been onto an airplane. So she finds it strange but is curious to find the root of the issue. She has a very close relationship to her mother and her mother emphasises how wanted she is by saying things like: "I would die if anything happend to you". In the session she is brought back to scenes that created the belief: I am responsible for my mother and for everyone else around me. I have to make them happy". By staying close to them physically her mind added. And so that was what she did for years. Stayed near her parents without knowing why she felt it difficult to be more independent of them.
A woman is nearsighted and wears contact lenses. Her life is dominated by conflicts with her ex-husband and she keeps saying: "I can't see what I should have done different". She has an extremely close relationship to her mother. They are almost one person. In the session it is revealed that her mind tries to protect her from feeling her mums emotional pain. The mums relationship is suffering and the little girl feels this and makes a belief: "I cannot fix my parents relationship and deep down I wish they would get a divorce and what child wishes that? Only a bad child". So if you can't fix it then what can you do? Her mind tried to help her by making her "blind" to the problems. The subconscious logic was: If you don't see then it does not exist and you don't have to feel like a bad child.